Sunday, March 14, 2010

Social Justice in the Bible and Has the Left Perverted It?

“Soujourners founder Jim Wallis has issued a public challenge to Glenn Beck”

Is this guy for real? There is no “Social Justice” in the Bible. When Jesus spoke of giving away all of your possessions and following him he was not talking about the redistribution of wealth. The point was, how can you follow Jesus and not worry about your belongings? The REAL story here was you had to lose yourself and give up all of your worldly possessions if you wanted to follow God.

When I leave my home I often wonder, “Did I lock the doors, turn off the coffee pot, is the gate locked so no one can take my lawn mower?” I am worried about my possessions. Now conversely, I sell my house it is empty of all my belongings. My possessions are secure in the moving van on the way to my next destination. I am not worried about my home any longer. I am not worried about losing anything, and can easily concentrate on the road ahead.

Mr. Wallis speaks of not being political at all, but talks of economic justice. “Washington is wired to block social change, and that change comes from social movements,” which he admitted in being involved with. If you listen to his words you will notice many of the left’s talking points. This is nothing more than hiding behind the “Cloth” to push a radical agenda. Remember the Mom’s and how Glenn said that it is hard for the left to attack them. It looks like they are taking a page from Glenn’s play book and releasing an Evangelical after him. Does Glenn dare defend himself against this “Man of the Cloth?” YES he should! Speak the truth and with boldness, ferret out the people who attempt to pervert our Country regardless of who they are.

Mr. Wallis spoke of taking care of the poor quoting Jesus with “Where were you when I was in need.” Was Jesus talking about the redistribution of wealth? No, He was talking of Christians taking care of the less fortunate in the flock? This is discussed at great length in the Bible and I am surprised at how he could miss this simple Fact.

This philosophy is not speaking of “Taking” from one and giving to the other. It is Christians freely giving out of love and compassion. If everyone would freely give to those in need this would truly be a Great Nation. Keep in mind there is a difference between “Gracefully Giving” and “Forcefully Taking.” One is individuals giving what is theirs based on Faith and the other is individuals giving what is NOT theirs in the guise of faith. Think back to the Great Depression when one neighbor was helping the other. People were not giving money to one another, but bartering with what they had. Farmers would give goods for gasoline, women would make blankets for staples, neighbor was helping neighbor survive. Did we need the Government to step in and decide on who gets what? Taking from some and redistributing to the people that they decided were in need? Listening to my Grandmother her community was able to make it through the depression by helping each other. Not by government intervention.

Mr. Wallis quoting his wife said, “There is no God bless America in the Bible.” Well Sir, after searching I could not find the phrase “Social Justice” either.


God gave us free will. This means we are free to help or not. Those who help will be rewarded and those who choose not too will also receive their “reward”. Does this mean that those who believe in faithfully giving to the poor should be Biblically compelled to force others to give against their free will?

NO, The greatest gift of God is that we are able to choose our own path.

P.S. Isn’t it strange that the government has taken up “Educational Reform” now? Wonder if that is a direct poke at Glenn himself.

Hear the interview here:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The TRUTH Behind the Legislation

Quality affordable health care for all Americans: Sounds good, Huh?

The President and the Democrats are between a rock and a hard place. They have worked an entire year on health care reform and were almost at the finish line when along came Scott Brown. (Who would have thought that Sen. Kennedy would be replaced by a Republican promising to kill the bill?)
So close yet so far away is the passing of the progressive dream, but their usual tactics are not working because they have run out of villains. They could lean on the Republican Party, but they won’t because they are PRAYING that they can pull at least one vote and make this a bipartisan bill.

So who are they leaning on?

Sen. Stupak has said he and 12 others cannot vote for the Senate health care bill with its current language, and public funding of abortions. So how can Nancy pull out a win and get their votes? She will have to convince the Senate to draft legislation that takes the abortion funding wording out of the bill. Then she and Harry will need to find 50 Senators that will promise to use the budget reconciliation process to pass it. Everyone says this can’t be done, but it CAN. Remember the one dollar that we are going to be charged to help fund abortions? They can use the nuclear option to strip this language and cut off public funding for abortions because this reduces the deficit or could be considered as a tax cut.

AMERICA BEWARE of the “Red Herring”.

That is exactly what the “President’s bill” is, nothing more than a distraction? There is NO such bill.....
So, What is Washington trying to do you might ask?
They are trying to confuse the American people into thinking they are getting this “fairy tale” bill, when actually they are just trying to get the House to pass the Senate bill.
DO NOT be fooled if anyone changes a SINGLE word in the Senate bill it will have to go through the entire process again.

So, what is Nancy and Harry counting on?

They are praying that the House passes the Senate bill, in its unchanged current form, with a promise (IOU) from the Senate that it will be amended through budget reconciliation.

AMERICANS: We are being tricked into believing that the bill that the President wants to sign by Easter is a new and improved bill. It is not!! It is the current skunk that NO ONE wants to support.

Well I have a news flash for you Washington, We are NOT the same America that we were in 2008. We are a much smarter and informed America and we can see right through this process.

Monday, March 1, 2010

An Inconvenient Truth…..You're Wrong AL

I can’t help but respond after reading what he recently said:

But what a burden would be lifted! We would no longer have to worry that our grandchildren would one day look back on us as a criminal generation that had selfishly and blithely ignored clear warnings that their fate was in our hands. We could instead celebrate the naysayers who had doggedly persisted in proving that every major National Academy of Sciences report on climate change had simply made a huge mistake.

Who is the criminal here? The people or Old Al himself? I have done my part in recycling. I don’t pretend that it is not a responsibility of everyone to do this. Just look at Korea, they have workers that sift through trash just to make sure that recyclables don’t make it to the land fill. I once visited a friend living there and they showed me their trash can, an old coffee can sitting by the sink. That was it!! Everything else they had could be recycled….

Now as for global warming.

I live in the Deep South and we have had the first measurable snow fall in as long as I could remember. I am not saying this is proof against, but it seems that the global warming fad is falling apart at the seams. Why is it that every dis-proven fact Al has proposed in his documentary, has not seen the light of day? Why is he still the focus of the MSM and an indisputable informant on global warming? If anyone else had made these claims and thumbed their noses at the TRUE science they would have been torn apart. Just because he is an educated man does not mean he isn’t wrong…

I was a kid, in the 70s, when we were worried about the next ice age. I remember my mother was so worried about it and did not know what my future held. But, now with global warming and the seas rising.. Burning alive and drowning, what could scare people more? Looks like they are try to appeal to our inner most fears. Unfortunately/fortunately they don’t have the science to back it up as yet. What is the next big scare, are aliens are going to fly down from Mars and suck our brains out? Give it up and stop trying to scare the entire population of the earth just to line your pockets. Have you no shame? If you were right you would be spending every penny in your pocket to put the word out. Instead you are putting every penny IN your pocket and hiding from the truth.

Am I saying that is what he is doing? Well, you need to be the judge of that. All I can say is he has accumulated quite a bit of wealth on his carbon offsets.

Speaking of carbon offsets. Does this mean that we will be charged every time we breathe? Can we take into account the absorbsion that the trees and grass have on our breathing? If I live in the city will I have to pay more than the people who live in the country? They have more grass and trees so their carbon foot print will be less than mine.. What If I promise only to exhale when I am next to a tree or on the grass? Will I get credit for that?

Just look at the desperation in these following quotes concerning health care and global warming. Is this the same as shouting fire in a movie theater?

"Time is up," she said. "We really have to go forth." Nancy Pelosi (Note: Who’s time is up?)

We have overcome existential threats before. Winston Churchill is widely quoted as having said, “Sometimes doing your best is not good enough. Sometimes, you must do what is required.” Now is that time. Public officials must rise to this challenge by doing what is required; and the public must demand that they do so — or must replace them. Al Gore (Note: Al was replaced)

Do I believe in global warming? Yes, as much as I believed in the next ice age when I was a kid.